Tully and San FIlippo Fighters
A long history of friendship, a collaboration with an eye toward the future.
Listen to the story of Katia, the president of Sanfilippo and Paola, who today continues the business started by her father in the early 1960s.
Rino Tullis has decided to help #Sanfilippofighters through the sale of their custom presses,
a kind of co-branding born spontaneously because of Paola’s big heart.

Who is Sanfilippo
The Sanfilippo Fighters Association was born from the concrete belief that everything that happens to us should be shared: the sense of community is mutual support, sharing even the most difficult difficulties to overcome.
Let's give a future, help research
Playing is the life of children
We as an association do exactly that: we come together out of Love for our Children, to help research research and families find a solution, a treatment, a cure.